
首頁(yè) > W > waiving怎么讀,waiving什么意思,waiving短語(yǔ)和例句


收錄時(shí)間:2022-09-08 13:47:36


英 [?we?v??]美 [?we?v??]
  • v. 放棄;免除(waive 的現在分詞形式)

waiving 常用句子

1.They can be highly ambitious and materialistic and are capable of waiving all moral or ethical values to achieve their goals.

他們可以說(shuō)是雄心勃勃,物質(zhì)至上,為了達到目的可能會(huì )拋棄一切道義或道德價(jià)值。

2.For the methods dealing with ADR disputes, 37.5% of clinicians were for the measure of "waiving charges", and more than 60% of clinicians approved the other methods dealing with ADR disputes.


3.Avandia Bonus: The FDA is waiving conflict-of-interest rules to allow several physicians to sit on an advisory committee meeting later this month, Bloomberg reports.

文迪雅bonus:據bloomberg報告,FDA就此事正在放棄“利益沖突”法規,讓數名醫生在本月末加入顧問(wèn)委員會(huì )。

4.Banks and financing companies began to offer subprime mortgage loans and induced low income families to purchase houses by waiving principal payments for the first few years.


5.For the methods dealing with ADR disputes, 37.5% of clinicians were for the measure of "waiving charges", and more than 60% of clinicians approved the other methods dealing with ADR disputes.


6.The waiver by a party of any right hereunder will not be considered a waiver thereof unless expressly waived in a writing signed by the waiving party.

棄權聲明書(shū)借著(zhù)一個(gè)宴會(huì )任何的正確地以下關(guān)于將不被考慮一個(gè)棄權聲明書(shū)除非在被那個(gè)免除宴會(huì )簽署的寫(xiě)作方面明白地免除。

7.So, you're waiving your right to counsel?
