
首頁(yè) > D > deans怎么讀,deans什么意思,deans短語(yǔ)和例句


收錄時(shí)間:2022-09-08 12:36:20


英 [di?nz]美 [di?nz]
  • 院長(cháng)
  • n. (Deans)人名;(英)迪恩斯

deans 常用短語(yǔ)

assistant dean副院長(cháng)

associate dean副院長(cháng)

deans 常用句子

1.Han, who then met with deans of each faculty and showed particular interest in the ISO9000 Quality Management System in operation within the University.

隨后,韓教授還與各學(xué)院院長(cháng)進(jìn)行互動(dòng)式的交流,他對大學(xué)實(shí)行ISO 9000質(zhì)量管理系統尤感興趣。

2.The new generation of deans will undoubtedly preside over dramatic changes.


3.To achieve this objective, two inter-university committees were appointed: one, made up primarily of the college deans, was to administer rules of eligibility;

為了實(shí)現這個(gè)目標,成立了兩 個(gè)校際委員會(huì ):一個(gè)主要由校長(cháng)組成,負責監督資格管理規章制度;

4.And these are just the incidents that were reported to deans, so you would think the actual number is much larger.

因為這些都是報告院長(cháng)的突發(fā)事件,所以你會(huì )認為實(shí)際數字要大得多。

5.Thenew generation of deans will undoubtedly preside over dramatic changes.


6.However, all of my RC equipment is configured with Deans Ultra Plugs.


7.Meanwhile, Crowley seeks the help of an unlikely ally after encountering problems due to Deans behavior.
